Checking the transmission fluid on the Univeral M25 Hurth HBW 50 transmission

Checking the transmssion fluid isn't intuitive, the "dip stick" is a bolt, not a stick, and getting to it isn't so easy. The bolt is on top of the transmission housing, below the heat exchanger.

How to check the transmission oil level

transmission dip stick / bolt Transmission dip stick bolt

transmission dip stick / bolt Transmission dip stick bolt from port side of engine. Getting to it from here doesn't look too easy.

  1. Locate the oil dipstick bolt on top of the transmission
    • This is easiest for me from the back berth - with the access board off (the panel that covers the large water tank).
    • The dipstick bolt is next to the oil grade label.

dip stick oil level diagram Dip stick oil level diagram from page 30 in the Hurth Service and Repair Manual

  1. Unscrew the bolt, wipe it off, reinsert and take it out again to check
    • Don't screw it back in, just insert and take out again to see the oil level
    • The oil level should be up to the index mark on the disptick, approximately 1/4" up from the bottom of the stick.
  2. Everything good? of course! Put the transmission dipstick back in and tighten the bolt.

Transmission dipstick bolt venting hole

The dipstick has a vent hole at the side of the top of the bolt. If you're painting stuff, don't cover this up!

Hurth Transmission Fluid Capacity

The transmission oil quantity is on page 30 in the Hurth Service Manual and Spare Parts List.

  • 0.30 liters or 0.32 quarts
  • Use the index mark on the dipstick as a reference

The Universal M25 Owner's manual is incorrect in stating the quantity is approximately 1.3 pints (.55 liter).

Transmission gear when sailing

Don't leave the gear in forward when sailing. Put in Neutral for free wheeling or reverse to lock the prop. Reference the Owners manual.

The Hurth manuals

Checking the transmission oil is on page 30 in the Hurth Service Manual and Spare Parts List

Checking the transmission oil is also on page 41 in the Universal M25 Owners Manual

You might also be interested in the Hurth Transmission Owners manual


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